Here’s where you can find, book and pay for world-class local and international multi-day retreats, single day events, bespoke experiences and also surprise ‘meet-ups’, all designed to help you have fun, Feel Good and meet-up with other like-minded Fit50’s in our community.


Let us help you navigate this ‘season of change’ and Find your True South. Whether it’s helping you find smart ways ways to get your body in shape & fit again, guidance on nutrition, recipes & eating plans, someone to help you unplug, breathe & calm down or even some help planning the next phase of your life, we have a team of highly experienced and qualified personal one-on-one Fit50 Experts & Coaches waiting to journey with you.


We stock a range of products specific for Fit50’s. Some are designed to help you heal, relax & calm down, to sleep better & meditate. Some are designed to boost your alertness, energy and fitness levels, some to counter hormonal change and some to build-up your immune system.