Tag Archives: Mindfulness

Healing Through Dance with Eurythmy

Eurythmy Dance - movement as a form of mindfulness

Dance is an integral part of human history. Ecstatic dance rituals celebrating the stars, our gods through the ages, and nature have played a massive role in helping us to worship, create and express. Dance is part of mythology and folklore as well as recorded history and contemporary culture. We know that moving our bodies […]

Mindfulness in the Workplace

The art of mindfulness

One of the biggest hindrances to a consistent mindfulness practice is work. It’s an easy scapegoat to excuse not making adequate time for ourselves to rest and reset. More than that, it can actually seem impossible to juggle both work and a dedicated mindfulness practice and may even overwhelm you. This is, of course, the […]

The Power of Sound Therapy

Sound therapy and how it can help you

Though many are sceptical, sound is proven to be an incredible medium that offers powerful psychotherapeutic and physiotherapeutic benefits. Consider how certain sounds make you feel – are there specific noises that make you feel calm? Anxious? Irritable? It’s likely that certain sounds will immediately come to mind when you consider it. This is because […]

What is a Body Work-In?

Body Work-in with Fit50

A Body “Work-In” class is a guided 45-minute session done to beautiful music and sounds that will help you quickly get out of your thinking head and into your body. Apart from benefiting your physical body, this simple daily practise is of utmost importance to the development of your psychological world as well, so important […]

Can you Unplug and Retreat?

Retreat and unlock your mind through using mindfulness.

We live under a set of cultural conditions that prize hard work over rest. We’re encouraged to be constantly progressing, being told to move onwards and upwards and believing that success and fulfillment can only be found through unending work and a commitment to our responsibilities. These responsibilities may be work, family, or a number […]

Meditation 101

Meditation and mindfulness, how adopting this can improve your wellbeing.

In recent years, the words ‘mindfulness’ and ‘meditation’ have become buzzwords. We hear them everywhere being used as selling points, and as such they’ve somewhat lost their meaning. It’s important that we remind ourselves of how these two important practices can be implemented to help us in our daily lives. It’s no secret that meditating […]

The backstory to the Body “Work-In” practise

Body Work-in, learning to embrace our true south

A Body Work-In class works primarily with your root energy. This is the shadow part of your inner world developed over your first 50 years on this planet. The stuff you didn’t really let grow, for some reason or other – often way beyond your powers of control. The ‘inferior’ stuff your one-sided dominant personality […]

What are you saying “NO” to?

The power of 'no' learning when to say no and dealing with triggers

“No” is a powerful word. It has the ability to help or to hurt you depending on how you put it to use. Many of us use it as an excuse to stay in fear, and it’s time that we learn to use it to our advantage. Every time you say yes to something you […]

Your daily routine

Yoga as part of a daily routine

We all know that consistency and routine are important – it’s a view that’s been espoused by physicians, psychiatrists, life coaches and the like for a very long time. Despite the barrage of advice, very few of us actually commit to any regular daily practices. Doing something every day is an important way of dedicating […]

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